Balanced Boundaries – a metaphor about giving and taking for the health of yourself and others

Wooden Vase


I am a wooden vase filled with healing water gently replenished by the collective love. As I pour too little, I overflow and my wood becomes oversaturated and less aware of its own makeup and contents… bloated and blinded with excess.  As I pour too much my wood becomes dry and cracked… delicate and injured.


By understanding that I am in a truth a wooden vase I understand how to balance the healing and health that I offer to others with the healing and health I must keep for my self.


As I give and keep in balance I find my compassion and nurturance to be replenishing and infinite. To give and to keep are both acts of generosity and responsibility when influenced by balance.


I had let my vase become dry and cracked and I hold gratitude for those who nurtured me back to a balanced saturation. My giving now comes from a healthy foundation… the healing waters I now disperse to others are given without negative consequence to my own self.


I am learning the boundaries of balance… I am learning to give from a healthy place… an empty vase pours good intention… a balanced vase pours collective healing.


Nurturance to I is the nurturance to all. Nurturance to all is the nurturance to I.


Peace and respect to all those who are asked to give more than they have to give… balance is manifesting as balance is already infinitely manifested.


Please feel free to comment or to leave your own metaphors.

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