An example of ‘Auras’ and ‘Energy’ for our left brained friends

Quick clarification – When someone says “I can see your energy” they are stating – “I can see the boundary of you personal space and that boundary is implying how you desire to be interacted with at this moment… this gives me insight into your emotional disposition.” 
Personal space – ‘an abstract metaphysical phenomenon that most people believe in’
It can be confusing to hear people toss around terms such as “her energy” or “her aura” … what does all of this stuff mean to the more left brained or the more objectively inclined? ‘personal space’ is perhaps the most universally accepted example of these terms… just about everyone I have met can tell you when you are in “their space” though this ‘space’ almost always has a boundary which is about an arms length or farther from that persons physical boundary (there skin). By this logic a persons ‘energy’ or ‘aura’ or ‘spirit’ or whichever term you may use or may have heard is actually larger than the body… this is just one example of the illusive ‘energy’ that you may have heard about.
So when a person says that they “can see your energy” it might be easier for some people to interpret this statement as meaning, “I can see the boundaries of your personal space.”
To take this just one small step farther, we also tend to have different personal space depending on the environment, our own disposition, and the dispositions of those in our environment. Our personal space then carries a degree of intention… it can state that you want someone close or that you do not want to be approached etc.
So more specifically when someone says “I can see your energy” they are stating – “I can see the boundary of you personal space and that boundary is implying how you desire to be interacted with at this moment… this gives me insight into your emotional disposition.”

3 replies on “An example of ‘Auras’ and ‘Energy’ for our left brained friends”

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