Synchronicity – The rattlesnake’s message of change and balance

Quick summary: This post offers a personal example of what Carl Jung termed as a synchronistic event. This will be diffiult for many people to swallow… should be interesting whether you believe it or not. This is a story about synchronicity and the collective unconscious… this message was given to me from the collective to help the manifestation of my destiny… Carl Jung brought synchronicity to the western world (though the ideas have been alive in Taoism and forms of shamanism for a very long time). The idea is that there are meaningful coincidences in life that can be very beneficial to you if you pay attention. There are symbols that can help direct you towards your destiny. The whole idea of dream interpretation stems from Jung and this theory… the lesser-known part of the theory is that there are symbols in life as well as in dreams.
To understand this story and how it relates to synchronicity, archetypes and the collective unconscious please read the post linked below.


Shed Your Old Skin

Times were emotionally difficult… my body was tense for reactive necessity… my minds vigilance attended to potential injury with an almost clairvoyant nature.
I had given more than I had ever had to give… more than my body could… my mind was malfunctioning… my projections, fears and thoughts were tunneling my vision… I had to play the guitar hard to hear… I had to run up mountains to feel… I had to be on top of the world to see.
My personal life was validating, invigorating, loving, connected, free, expressive, and authentic… healing steps arrived at euphoric mountaintops with a green-eyed lady holding me infinitely in our interconnectedness… love was extensive
Humans have the heart to carry more than is suitable for their frame… injured… love would mend, and wounds would remain.
I was given the strength to walk on with broken feet though my mind chaosed passed conclusions to stop and repair.
There was not support from the employer and yet there was the added burden of bureaucratic senselessness. Endlessly searching for magic wands while dismissing the human component of the employees… all attention on a linearity believed to organize a chaos in an ironically unemotional way… simplifying and avoiding the magnitude of our duty by disassociating from the circular nature of the collective. The clients and employees were viewed as computers, and there was no one to point a finger at as everyone was a good intentioned embodiment of compassion which had simply fell victim to the existential fears perpetuated by the machine. The machine was an abstract collective fear trying to eradicate suffering without acknowledging or accepting the suffering which is. To balance chaos you must accept both chaos and structure together… with an acknowledgement of structure alone you dismiss the dialectic reality before you…. in this reality the healers of trauma have no means of escaping being traumatized. To heal the collective you must heal she who is being healed and she who is offering the healing.
Elections would come and go with all the parties talking about subjects from a removed vantage point… they could not see the truth, and they did not bother to ask. Those who tried to support the workers of wellness end up supporting the machine and not the healer or her process… those who do not support called violently to end the funding for the resolution of concerns they were unaware of their part in… they were allowed to claim themselves the image of the most compassionate and forgiving symbol while diverting resources from empathy to vengeance… the hopelessness manifests as the leaders narcissism inhibits a humble consciousness of the dialectics in choice… in the either or world of political rhetoric the foundation finds itself with neither nothing nor enough… helplessness grows as the job becomes that to control the mob when you thought that they were paying you to be a to be a farmer of healing and growth… If you want a fire fighter to put out a fire the truth of your honest intention is visible in the amount of water you provide.
Running on Rabbit Mountain I felt the confluence of high alpine desert with geologies Rocky masterpiece. The loving energies were magnetically opposite… I breathed hard as I exercised with ferocity forced forward by my fear of acknowledging brokenness.
Battered and furious the rattlesnake coiled begging a leg to enter its’ range so that it could offload its own pain with a short release of violence. If it could spit its anger in a mouth of dagger fangs it would… perhaps then someone would understand sunning in the path and getting run over by a mountain bike.
I looked at this snake for a while and moved forward to continue my run… like many people, snakes are often a symbol of danger to me… they represent a random violence unconcerned by emotional consequence… they are the embodiment of chaos’s meaninglessness and the inexplicableness of suffering.
My breathing balanced and found rhythm.
A mantra entered my head. “Shed your Old skin”
This mantra followed my breath and I found myself back where the snake still held to its coiled anger.
I sat on a rock far enough to avoid anger unraveling…
This snake would need to go heal… this snake needed to shed its old skin.
I understood my fear of the snake and found it to be not so much fearing it in a physical sense as it was a fear inducing judgment or an anxious existential projection… this was something concrete to place my fears upon… my fear of meaninglessness and death were the snake.
As I saw for the first time the dichotomy of reality and projection in relation to this reptile I found a place of allowance… this was more than a snake and it was more than one simple symbol or metaphor.
The synchronicity was inescapable… I left my linear cause and effect world and joined with this collective archetype.
The suffering blinded the rattlesnake encouraging impulsive action… action which would not heal the reality of the mountain bike which infinitely was/is.
There was a way in which I was unfolding my innate purpose which was damaging my home…being my body and mind. My spirit has a destiny and my actions lack a balance.
Shed your old skin
I heard the meaning from this symbol… this symbol of chaotic suffering which is found to be one with all and all is all.
Go and heal and when you find your health remember that the healer and the healed are the same and need compassion, empathy, and rest… the healed healer heals to be healed and to heal again…
As your new skin grows let your path balance the water it pours with the water the collective pours back in…
 Shed your old skin
The rattlesnake slowly uncoiled and softly progressed behind a rock where it found warmth and protection… it settled down to find wellness.
To help people find the warmth of recovery I do not need to allow myself to be continually run over by mountain bikes.
Again, this is a story about synchronicity and the collective unconscious… this message was given to me from the collective to help the manifestation of my destiny…
Do you believe it?
Why is there meaningful coincidence?
Have you had a synchronistic event which changed your life?

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