The difference between good intentions and good actions = understanding, humility, and empathy

There are many saying about how many “evil actions” have been the result of good intentions. So how are we to know if our actions are good? Are there actions which are indisputably wrong and indisputably right? Instead of going into a heady philosophical investigation as to why good and bad are infinitely one, inseparable, and transient constructs of the collective… let us move forward with some thoughts on how to ensure that your good intentions can do better at manifesting good actions.

Face your Suffering on your way towards Freedom and Balance | The Effects of Resistance

There is a widely held belief (especially by males) that it is a person’s duty in life to “just get over it” … which in my experience entails using a great deal of energy to deny and repress what is.

What is a systemic approach in psychotherapy? Family systems theory intervention

The major difference between Family therapy and individual therapy is something called systems theory… therapist using such an approach are said to look at problems and solution systemically. In viewing a problem systemically a therapist will look at all the factors which bear some relation to the reported symptoms… ‘Factors’ could be family members, friends, culture, communication dynamics, the education system, the natural environment etc.

What is the Difference between a Psychologist, a Psychotherapist, a Psychiatrist, a Social Worker, a LPC, a LMFT, a LSCW, a PsyD, a PHD………

Quick summary: My intention is to give you a horribly over-simplified definition of all those terms that you may find when you are looking for a mental health worker. I will give you an easy to understand definition of what the difference is between a Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Social Worker etc… I must add this disclosure up front – there is no strict definition nor is there any way to accurately state the specific functions of any of these mental health care workers. The specific abilities or specialties of any mental health worker vary greatly depending on their: personality, school they went to, age, education outside of college etc…