The Depression Bubble

The Depression Bubble – a metaphor for understanding a loved-one’s depression – and compassion and suggestions for the healer… Depression can be like a bubble blocking the person inside from receiving positive influence from the outside world. Inside the depression bubble the person is left to deal with their hopelessness, apathy, sadness, meaninglessness, lethargy and […]

A metaphor for the relationship between control and suffering

I often share a metaphor with my clients who find themselves in a time of suffering stemming from environmental conditions that are mostly or entirely uncontrollable. This Metaphor is most applicable in the context of caring deeply for an individual who you cannot control… an individual who is suffering themselves or bringing you significant suffering. […]

Breathe before you help others to breathe

You settle into your seat on the airplane and right before takeoff you hear the familiar mantra: “In the event of pressure loss in the cabin, oxygen masks will deploy from the ceiling above you… please safely secure your own mask before attempting to assist others…”   We all hear this and end up remaining […]

Hope in a space of Hopelessness

Quick summary: In this post I will offer a metaphor that sheds light on a common misperception of hope – being that hope is connected only to concrete outcomes… that hope is a belief that things will one day be what they are not ever to be. Instead perhaps there can be hope for a […]

Integrity and Your Social Potential

Perhaps it is at times better to measure your integrity on the degree to which you are asserting your potential to best positively influence the community and to manifest your purpose as opposed to measuring your integrity by the degree to which you conform to an overgeneralized social value, an overgeneralized social perception, or a bureaucratic regulation.

Balanced Boundaries – a metaphor about giving and taking for the health of yourself and others

I am a wooden vase filled with healing water gently replenished by the collective love… as I pour too little, I overflow and my wood becomes oversaturated and less aware of its own makeup and contents… bloated and blinded with excess… as I pour too much my wood becomes dry and cracked… delicate and injured.