William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Gestalt Psychotherapy – an overview
For this post I will give an overview of Gestalt…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Spend your energy on that which you can truly influence
Quick summary: How much time and energy do you spend…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
the 7 things you need to create meaningful change – precursors of change
Quick summary: Dr. Fred Hanna did some excellent work on…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Attachment – why we say and emote one way when we truly feel and think a different way
Quick summary: I was just re-reading some articles on Emotionally…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
The Talking Cure for Trauma – holding freedom – you are the lotus
Quick overview: There are many aspects to the trauma recovery…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
‘Empirically based practice’ has been proven irrelevant to therapy outcomes – empirically
Quick summary: check out www.scottmiller.com -With all the political talk…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Stating your internal feelings – acknowledge for acceptance – resistance is suffering
Quick summary – are you crazy if you intentionally talk…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Past blame or “whose fault it is” and on to solutions
Quick summary: whose fault is it? This question is a…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Externalization – you are with the problem… you are separate from the problem
Quick summary – externalization is a technique from Narrative therapy…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Motivation to Exercise – why it is hard and how to make it easier
Quick summary – Therapist are not allowed to prescribe exercise…
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