William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Why Feeling Questions? – Emotional Expression Enhances Bonding
Quick summary: Exciting new research done by therapists such as…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Talking with Teens– Try using authentic open-minded empathetic curiosity.
Quick Summary: For a teenager, the brain development is at…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Relationship Sexually Stuck? – A look at your unwritten rules of engagement.
Quick summary: a simple tweak to the unwritten rules surrounding…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
My Dog – the personal trainer
Quick summary – If you attempt to change your thinking…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
The interdependence of dependence and independence
Quick summery – The interdependence of dependence and independence –…
William Bishop, LPC, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Argumentative? – substitute the word "but" for "and"
Always use the conjunction “and” instead of the conjunction “but”…
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